Regular price Rp 425.000
The celebration of Raya (Eid) is marked by the festive elegance of the combined best-selling patterns from two exclusive brands, Kami. and Buttonscarves. These scarves not only symbolize women's empowerment but also embody luxury with their neat stitched edges.

Perayaan Hari Raya Idul Fitri digambarkan oleh gabungan pattern best-selling dari dua merek eksklusif, Kami. dan Buttonscarves. Selain melambangkan "women empowerment", scarf ini juga mencerminkan kemewahan dengan jahit pinggir yang rapi.

- Lightweight
- 12 color options
- Made with airy voal material

- Bahan ringan
- Terdapat 12 warna pilihan
- Dibuat menggunakan bahan airy voal

Scarf's measurements:
- Length: 116 cm
- Width: 116 cm

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